Gefen announced its newest modular matrix card frame with built-in signal extension: the 32×32 HDFST (High Definition Fast Switching Technology) Modular Matrix for HDMI w/HDCP. This new system supports up to 32 high definition sources and 32 displays using HDMI. Each source can be integrated and cross-point routed in any configuration. The modular approach offers HDMI extension over CAT-5 cable using Gefen ELR (Extra Long Range) technology based on HDBaseT for added flexibility. The 32×32 HDFST Modular Matrix routes any 32 sources to any 32 displays in an HDMI in/out configuration. A second configuration allows for HDMI in with HDBaseT out for displays located anywhere within a 100metre distance of the matrix frame. Users can tailor their outputs to enable different configurations. The 8x HDMI output board connects to eight displays using standard HDMI cable. The 8x ELR (Extra Long Range) output board extends HDMI and bi-directional IR to a small receiver unit using one CAT-5 cable per display. This matrix can accommodate any combination of output boards.
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