Michael Broadbent - IDT
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IDT Gets New MD


29 May 2014

AV distributor Image Design Technology Pty Ltd (IDT),  a division of the Midwich Group, has seen a change at the top as Michael Broadbent (pictured) replaces long-standing MD, Gerry Wilkins.

Michael Broadbent - IDT
Michael Broadbent – New IDT MD

Broadbent, a management consultant,  has over 25 years’ experience in the AV industry, including senior positions at leading Australian systems integrators and distributors. He will be using his experience to focus on business development, technical excellence and customer service at IDT.

Gerry Wilkins has headed up IDT since founding the company in 1990, and was instrumental in the business being added to the Midwich group in 2012. He said: “After 24 years of running IDT and its predecessors, I felt that it was time to move on. IDT is in excellent shape following the acquisition and investment from Midwich, and with Michael coming on board I can leave feeling very confident of their future.”

Wilkins’s future plans are still being finalised, but he intends to maintain a relationship with IDT and a number of its long term vendors.

IDT www.idt.com.au


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