
16 July 2014


Smart Technologies has launched Smart kapp, a digital capture board. Smart kapp users write using an ink marker, just as they would with a dry-erase board, but with Smart kapp, co-workers and clients can follow the process in real-time, where everything appears on their digital devices. The work is saved with Smart’s software and then as a final product as PDFs or JPEGs. The Smart kapp app, currently available for iOS and Android users (with Windows mobile support coming soon), enables users to pair their tablets or smartphones to a Smart kapp board with a scan of its unique QR code or a tap of its NFC tag. The app activates live web-sharing with up to five users, access to the snapshot library, PDF and JPEG save and share, and Evernote. Later this year, Smart will launch subscription services within the app which open up advanced features for cloud collaboration.

Smart Technologies: www.smartkapp.com


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