Issue 33

2022 Thoughts and Predictions with Sennheiser

David Missall, Insights Manager at Sennheiser makes some predictions on incoming change in the AV industry this year.


18 January 2022

In 2022, we will see the hybrid model of work and education continue to transform. In the last two years, the AV and IT industries came together to enable remote collaboration unlike ever before, and we will continue seeing this space innovate with new ecosystem-driven solutions. We will see industry players across the hardware and cloud-based software spaces come together through integrations that make audio and video conferencing more seamless than ever. This increase in interoperability and efficiency comes as AV and IT professionals must toggle between in-person, hybrid and remote environments on a dime.

We will also see new and existing solutions issue updates that minimise the manual setup and configurations of hybrid environments via automation. Whether that is preprogrammed room analysis, biometrically activated presets, or automated exclusion zones in a room, meeting technology is continuing to get smarter.

A great example of both of these trends is Sennheiser’s recently announced integration with 1 Beyond to enable voice-activated camera switching via the TeamConnect Ceiling 2. This integration allows hybrid meeting spaces and classrooms to stream unified video that follows the speakers voice, wherever that may be coming from.

Finally, something that is often overlooked but rising in importance is design. Far too often, we see AV neglected in the architectural design process. The industry needs to enact a shift here so that architects consider acoustic design early on and seek input from AV consultants so that function and design can coincide. Architects and end users must begin to consider how a meeting space lends itself to hybrid and virtual collaboration acoustically – it cannot be an afterthought. Certain trendy design decisions, whether that is a glass conference room or LED ceiling panels make it incredibly difficult to install and achieve good quality audio if any participant is remote. As we’ve seen in the last few months, hybrid and remote collaboration is not going away anytime soon, so making sure that a space is conducive to this is imperative at the get-go.



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Issue 33