Issue 32

AV Case Study: Kingdomcity Wangara

Kingdomcity Wangara upgrades its point source Adamson PA to an Adamson CS line array.


12 March 2025

Text:/ Graeme Hague

Kingdomcity epitomises what a lot of 21st century houses of worship are offering people today – a greater sense of community and togetherness that requires a modern approach towards the venues which can be multi-purpose beyond simply religious services. Being an integral part of that community often involves hosting a variety of events. This means having highly capable AV and IT equipment that can be quickly configured to suit any client, and any event, although, of course, the core purpose of the building, celebrating faith, is always at the forefront of any upgrade or system design.

Kingdomcity Wangara is one of six locations in Perth, Western Australia, and these combined represent only a part of Kingdomcity’s wider presence in Australia and the rest of the world.


They don’t build churches like they used to – at least, we’re not talking about long and narrow, dusty 15th century buildings filled with cramped wooden pews, and gargoyles on the flying buttresses. Today’s churches are modelled more on performance spaces and auditoriums with the seating focused on a large stage rather than a single pulpit, and the room being much wider than it is deep, allowing everyone to get close to the action.

Getting an even and time-aligned coverage in these circumstances from the PA isn’t easy, and often the acoustics of these venues aren’t helpful with problematic ceilings, significant untreated flat-wall areas and lots of windows. When Kingdomcity decided to upgrade its audio system, it promised to give the integrators plenty to think about.

The new Adamson rig comprises 5 x CS7 elements a side with 4 x CS119 subs.


Mega Music is instantly recognised in WA as a premier music store with two large branches bursting at the seams with all things musical – particularly guitars. What’s not so well-known is the Mega Pro Audio (MPA) division that quietly labours away in the background doing a host of AV installs large and small (probably paying the bills for all those desirable guitars) and achieving an excellent reputation for getting the job done well. It was MPA that installed the original system in Kingdomcity, comprised of Adamson CS point source loudspeakers and subwoofers. While tailored to the original budget and client specification, the demands of services now exceeded the ability of the relatively modest point source system.

MPA, with Cody Brooks running point, got busy and drew up a dozen separate system designs and quotes across a range of different loudspeaker products and tier-one brands, making sure Kingdomcity was given the full range of options. The client decided the best result for the situation and budget would be achieved with an Adamson CS line array.

The system was supplied by CMI Music & Audio, which, according to Cody, provided a wealth of advice and expertise throughout the process including help with final system deployment and tuning.

The new main FOH system is a five-per-side Adamson CS7 line array, making great use of ArrayIntelligence’s ‘Array Optimization’ feature exclusive to the CS line. Matching this is a sub array of Adamson CS119 subwoofers. The existing CS7p point source loudspeakers were re-focused, re-tuned, and deployed as front fill, easily up to the task and taking a much-needed break from previously covering the majority of the room. Similarly, the original CS10p point-source mains were put to good use as out-fill, ensuring the 30m-wide room had adequate and consistent coverage right up to the outer lip of the stage without being prone to feedback. Everything was installed in a single day without issues – one side of the PA was up and flown in the time it took Cody to nip out for a sneaky sandwich.


Cody tells us, “We knew what to expect and all the software emulations suggested that, but even so we were blown away by the sound after tuning was complete. The Adamson products just deliver beautifully for their price point. In fact, when I touched base with Luke Ioppolo (Production Manager for Kingdomcity Australia) about what he thought, he was kind of speechless – everything was working so well.”

Luke explains: “From start to finish the project went so smooth and fit in to our tight schedule around Christmas, the busiest time in our calendar. The 14 days from approval to handover was amazing and the team couldn’t be happier with the outcome. Having so many options and summary breakdowns from Cody really helped to make informed decisions for both myself and my uplines.”

With Kingdomcity’s upgraded Adamson CS sound system, the church community of Wangara and surrounds are set to enjoy a refreshed and world-class Sunday experience, as well as a PA ready for any event the church is likely to host.


We knew what to expect and all the software emulations suggested that, but even so we were blown away by the sound after tuning was complete

Equipment List

  • 10x Adamson CS7 Ultra-Compact Intelligent Line Array Speakers
  • 2x Adamson CS10p Sub-Compact Intelligent Point-Source Speakers
  • 2x Adamson CS7p Ultra-Compact Intelligent Point-Source Speakers
  • 4x Adamson CS119 Intelligent Subwoofers

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