Epson Confirms Commitment to United Nations Global Compact
Epson signs the Statement from Business Leaders for Renewed Global Cooperation, commiting again to getting corporate socially on track.
The Statement from Business Leaders for Renewed Global Cooperation was announced as a new policy of the UN in September, and was issued to mark the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations and the 20th anniversary of the United Nations Global Compact. Signatories commit to operating in a spirit of global cooperation, accountability, corporate ethics and transparency, and to upholding the following points:
- Demonstrate ethical leadership and good governance through values-based strategies, policies, operations and relationships when engaging with all stakeholders
- Invest in addressing systemic inequalities and injustices through inclusive, participatory and representative decision making at all levels of our business
- Partner with the UN, Government and civil society to strengthen access to justice, ensure accountability and transparency, provide legal certainty, promote equality and respect human rights
As a member of society, Epson takes an deliberate approach to socially responsible corporate conduct in areas such as compliance, human rights, environmental action, workforce diversity, and supply chain management. Epson takes these and other social issues seriously and are working toward solutions. The company also aspires to become an indispensable company through the practice of ethical corporate conduct and by playing a central role in realising a better world through the products and services we provide.
Epson: www.epson.com.au