KV2 Launches into Myanmar
As KV2 Audio continues to grow globally, the latest country to be introduced to the company’s products and philosophies is the southeast Asian nation of Myanmar (formerly Burma) with a significant launch in the country’s capital of Yangon.
Mr Thura Aung, Managing Director of Htat Wah Win Trading Co. Ltd., first heard KV2’s products on demonstration in China and was impressed by their compact size and excellent sound quality. Mr Aung’s company imports various products into Myanmar and he had started to investigate the pro audio market. “While we had plenty of choices with a wide range of lower cost Chinese manufactured products, I was really looking for a flagship brand, something that could provide high quality audio for large scale events. A number of people suggested I look at KV2,” said Mr Thura. “I met with Dave Croxton from KV2 in Guangzhou and when he explained the company’s philosophies of building complete systems that are optimised to work perfectly straight out of the box, KV2 was certainly the standout choice for our Myanmar market.”
“KV2 has been well received in many developing countries like Myanmar,” added Croxton. “Our true plug-and-play operation makes it far easier to achieve good quality sound reinforcement in areas where technical staff are scarce. We can quickly train people with limited audio knowledge to set up our systems and provide high quality audio for large audiences. Secondly, it makes better economic sense for these markets that don’t have the financial strength of the more developed nations. Due to the lower equipment requirement of point source systems compared to traditional audio solutions, the capital outlay, transport and setup costs are considerably reduced.”
Htat Wah Win Trading Co. Ltd launched KV2 Audio in a joint presentation with Shure Microphones at the Shangrila Hotel in Yangon on July 20th. The event was attended by around 200 invitees and featured presentations from Dave Croxton and Angus Davidson from KV2 who handle sales and technical support respectively for Asia Pacific. “The standard of the presentation provided by Mr Thura and Htat Wah Win Trading Co. Ltd here in Yangon has been world class,” commented Davidson. “We are already discussing large events coming up later in the year and I see great potential for KV2 in this market. The team of people involved with the product here are very professional and really understand the concepts that KV2 deliver as a company.”
KV2 Audio: www.kv2audio.com