Issue 33

Ecler’s Next-Generation Column Array

The MIA Series is the latest innovation from Ecler.


31 May 2024

The MIA Series is the latest innovation from Ecler. MIA presents Ecler’s own column array technology, delivering exceptional audio clarity, directivity, and power in a sleek, adaptable design. MIA is the best choice for acoustically complex environments where vertical dispersion must be controlled, such as corporate rooms, houses of worship, educational spaces, etc…
MIA Series are an elegant, unique a compact design column loudspeaker, built in a single aluminium piece to avoid vibrations and mechanical stress. Available in black and white colour, and ready for outdoor applications.
Both models behave as a mini line array and the possibility of working in 16Ω or 64Ω by selecting them behind the logo without the need to remove the grille.
Versatility is a must
MIA Series offers you several installation options, and it’s design permits adjusting the height at any point of the length of the column.
• With FLATY bracket (included in MIA-81) you have the option to place the column against the wall.
• With HANDY bracket (included in MIA-82) you can install the column and modifying the pan & tilt.
Both are made of stainless steel, easy to install and are available as accessories.

Australis Music Group:

Website: Australis


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