Last week I visited InterBEE in Tokyo. InterBEE is the last broadcast show of the year in a string of annual broadcast events around the world. Spread over two halls at the Makuhari Messe in Ciba, about 30 minutes from Tokyo (Ginza), this year’s show was in the throes of an 8K revolution.
Quite recently NHK, the National Broadcaster of Japan had revealed an 8K mobile TV studio with complete workflow facilities. Earlier NHK had announced that 8K would be the standard for recordings at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and that the contents would be streamed to households in 4K.
A Belgian friend of mine, who works for one of Japan’s larger rental and staging companies, confirmed that 4K will be available to households and that 8K may also be broadcast.
Back to the show: Almost any company worth its salt, had some 8K technologies available. Almost amazing to think about this, if we consider that 4K is not so easy to manage in the staging and rental perspective from display, projection and workflow.
In addition to 8K, HDR was the other hit at the show. HDR for video was heavily discussed this year as a way of offering the viewer a better picture without the pixel hunt. From Canon to Ikegami, every manufacturer had a HDR solution with often amazing results.
2016 and beyond will certainly be of great interest when it comes to these new standards and how display and projection in this country will cope with these emerging new technologies.
Norbert Schmiedeberg, ITI Image Group