Feature enhancements to the new CORIOmaster and CORIOmaster Mini video wall processors headlined tvONE’s releases at ISE this year.

The company has introduced its CORIOgrapher editing interface, enabling users to quickly position and preview videowall canvasses, an HDBaseT input module that allows sources to be connected up to 150m away, and software enhancements including the ability to move live video windows seamlessly with new source transitions – video windows can be transitioned live or with presets to fade through black, wipe, grow, squeeze, flip and spin. The software provides a simple interface to setup and trigger the dynamic visual effects. New monitoring module functionality for the CORIOmatrix processors includes two outputs to monitor audio and video inputs and outputs: users can choose from four different views, and drag and drop inputs or outputs to these views to monitor the video signals into the chassis from a remote location. The easy-to-use feature allows for flexible customisation of source and route status.

New staging and integration tools from tvONE include the C2-2000 series: the C2-2855 universal scaler and its two new derivatives, the C2-2755 Video Scaler Plus, and C2-2655 Scan Converter Plus. The new designs have more input and output flexibility, and can be set up and managed via the redesigned front panel or a computer-based control panel that allows setup in less than a third the time of the previous generation. A new fibre optic KVM extender, the Voyager USB 2.0, enables users to locate USB devices up to 500m from a computer, well beyond the standard 5m-cable limit for USB peripherals.
Source: media release
tvONE: www.tvone.com
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