
30 April 2018

Harman Professional Solutions has announced the new JBL C221 and C222 two-way ScreenArray cinema loudspeakers are now shipping in limited quantities, with full availability in May 2018.

JBL C221 and C222 loudspeakers help small- and mid-sized cinemas upgrade to next-generation JBL technologies for improved coverage and smooth sound reproduction at an accessible price point. Featuring patent-pending Dual Dissimilar Arraying and Acoustic Aperture Technology, C221 and C222 loudspeakers combine a compact design with the latest technology for superior performance and better coverage for raked seating.

The JBL 200 Series was designed to offer cinemas an affordable solution for creating the best possible audio experience in small- to mid-sized rooms. By including new, patent-pending technologies that complement the legendary sound of JBL cinema loudspeakers, the 200 Series offers a solution without compromise—improving performance and coverage while dramatically lowering the total cost of ownership.

JBL’s patent-pending Dual Dissimilar Arraying design combines two asymmetric high-frequency drivers in tandem, making it possible to sculpt the geometry of modern cinemas. While traditional configurations require three-way loudspeakers to achieve this level of performance, Dual Dissimilar Arraying creates coverage patterns specifically designed for raked seating in modern cinemas.

The JBL 200 Series also includes Acoustic Aperture Technology that works seamlessly with its low-distortion 15-inch driver. The integrated Acoustic Apertures create a horn-loading effect, helping to maintain a wide horizontal coverage pattern through the crossover range while improving speech clarity. The result is even coverage of the entire cinema seating area.

JBL: www.jblpro.com
Australian Distributor: www.avt.tech


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