At Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) 2018 in Amsterdam, Meyer Sound will exhibit a wide array of cutting-edge audio technologies, contribute to education through the AVIXA Professional Development Program, and participate in the 11th annual InAVation Awards.
The Meyer Sound booth (Hall 1, M-90) will feature a comprehensive display of Meyer Sound products and technologies for installed systems. Making its European trade show debut is the elegant new Ashby line of ceiling loudspeakers featuring exclusive IntelligentDC technology. The Ashby models will be shown in a static display and also will be heard ‘live’ above the hospitality area.
“Because ISE is one of our two most important shows of the year, we send the full gamut of personnel,” says John McMahon, vice president of solutions and strategy. “So if you want to have a full conversation with our education or R&D staff, or with tech support or product management, you will find them all there. You can directly engage with the technology and have face-to-face discussion on in-depth solutions.”
Meyer Sound: www.meyersound.com