Issue 32

Meyer training – Sound Systems: Design & Optimization with Bob McCarthy


16 April 2014

meyer soundMeyer is offering some advanced sound system design courses in Australia in May.
Sound Systems: Design & Optimization with Bob McCarthy (Advanced Applications for MAPP Online Pro and SIM 3) is a two day course.
Designed for system engineers, FOH engineers, contractors, and anyone in audio whose job involves design, installation, and system optimization, the course will emphasize the relationship between the predictive perspective of MAPP Online Pro and the measured world of SIM 3.
Both systems will be operated by the instructor, Bob McCarthy, and data will be compared so that the relationship can become clear in the minds of the students.
The goal is to help users to create better designs in MAPP Online Pro by having a clearer idea of how to read the plots and how sound systems actually behave. This will be developed by creating MAPP plots of the actual speakers we have in the room and then measuring them with SIM 3 and showing the relationship of the data.

Attendees will learn how to relate the design of sound systems in MAPP to the optimization world utilizing SIM 3.

For more information contact Chris Dbais at Meyer Sound  Australia

Register for: May 5, 2014 – May 6, 2014 in Melbourne

Register for: May 8, 2014 – May 9, 2014 in Sydney

Register for: May 12, 2014 – May 13, 2014 in Brisbane


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