Issue 33
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QSC Ships Attero Tech Synapse D32MI Networked Audio Interface

Extends portfolio of high-density I/O peripherals for integration into Q-SYS Ecosystem and other AV systems


7 November 2019

QSC has begun shipping the new Attero Tech Synapse D32Mi networked audio interface and released a supporting update to uniFY Control Panel software.

This newest model in the Synapse series of 1U rack-mount network audio interfaces provides 32 mic/line analog inputs with studio-grade microphone preamps and Dante/AES67 connectivity, including up to 24-bit, 96 kHz analog-to-Dante conversion. The inputs are available as either terminal blocks or DB25 connections.

The D32Mi’s combination of performance, high channel density, flexible control capabilities, and simple integration with the Q-SYS Ecosystem makes it an excellent choice for studio, live event, and fixed installation applications. The newest Synapse model offers front panel and network control of mic preamp gain, phantom power, and muting. Easily-assignable front panel headphone volume control and source selection enable local input and Dante confidence monitoring at the rack position.

Redundant SFP expansion ports enable fibre connectivity for long-range signal extension, eliminating the need for media converters or switches in some applications. The redundant SFP expansion combines with a fully redundant Dante interface to enable simplified networking infrastructure. In addition, the DM32Mi can also be interfaced to an additional Synapse family I/O device creating a complete digital snake solution and eliminating the need for additional switches.

As with other many products in Attero Tech line, the Synapse D32Mi quickly integrates into the Q-SYS Ecosystem via its control plugin (available through the Q-SYS Designer Asset Manager within Q-SYS Designer Software) allowing for full device control. 

This shipping announcement comes in tandem with the release of unIFY v3.4.0 Control Panel software, which adds easy-to-use monitoring, device configuration and firmware update capabilities for the Synapse D32Mi and Axon C1 3rd Party Mode configuration.

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