Issue 33

Visual Fusion

Magewell enables engaging presentations with new multi-input video capture device


7 April 2022

Magewell has announced USB Fusion, a multi-input USB video capture device with integrated source switching and layout control. Building on the company’s USB Capture technology, the new hardware lets users combine camera and wired screenshare sources into live presentations for online lectures, webinars, live streaming, video conferencing, news reporting, and other applications.

Featuring two HDMI inputs and one USB webcam input, USB Fusion allows users to switch between 1080p60 HD sources or combine two inputs (picture-in-picture or side-by-side) into one output and bring the result into external software via its USB 3.0 interface. “Online lectures, events, and presentations often incorporate multiple video sources,” said Nick Ma, CEO and CTO of Magewell. “USB Fusion lets users combine inputs into engaging presentations without the need for additional switching or mixing tools.” The device is also ideal for houses of worship that wish to combine a camera signal with supporting visuals – such as lyrics displayed from a separate laptop – into a single live stream.

USB Fusion offers three ways for users to compose and control their presentations. The first is using the on-device buttons which allow users to switch between full-screen sources or select a combined scene layout. The second is through a browser-based web interface which offers scene switching, volume adjustments, and device configuration. 

The third, most customisable option, is via the free USB Fusion companion app for iOS and Android tablets. The app provides expanded layout controls for combining any two of the three input sources, and lets users add pictures, video clips, background music, and handwritten notes into their presentations. Presenters can set up playlists incorporating live video and other media in advance, and record or take screenshots of the combined output onto the hardware’s built-in storage. Annotations also be exported to files for archiving or subsequent sharing.

USB Fusion devices support Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems and are compatible with standard UVC and UAC specifications, enabling extensive software interoperability and driver-free setup. The device’s HDMI output can loop through an input signal or send the combined scene to a connected display or projector, while an analog audio input lets presenters augment the sources’ embedded audio with narration or music.

Magewell will demonstrate USB Fusion at the 2022 NAB and InfoComm shows.
USB Fusion is slated to begin shipping later in Q2.

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