Mapped On The Other Side of the World


8 November 2019

Projection Teknik, based out of Melbourne, was engaged to create the visual content for projection mapping the facade of the Waterford Estate.

Nothing to see here, you might think, except for the fact the Waterford Estate is on the other side of the world in Ireland.

Curraghmore house, near Portlaw in County Waterford, is the last of four castles built by the de la Poer family after their arrival in Ireland in 1167. It was home to the Marquess of Waterford which was held under English title and the estate had stables for 100 horses and employed 600 people in its prime.

After the Irish war of Independence from the English the Waterford family lost its power in Ireland and they became what’s known as ‘stranded gentry’. Large parts of the estate became dilapidated and left unoccupied with only the central part of the house still maintained.


In more recent times, the All Together Now Festival has sought a way for the community to become re-engaged with the ‘big house’. Blending medieval carnival with modern day music festival culture, people can come and enjoy the history of the place, having a lively and entertaining experience.

Visual artists, Projection Teknik’s Nicholas Azidis and Rose Staff, were invited from Australia to produce a site specific work that re-imagined the Curraghmore House in a contemporary way with lively and colourful designs. 


The artwork was created using a combination of After Effects and Cinema 4D. Rose Staff and Nicholas Azidis flew to Ireland to install the work and used Resolume to map the building along with 4 x 20K Barco projectors.

“When we arrived on site there were some technical difficulties to overcome,” recalls Rose Staff. “A very large media tent had been erected directly in front of one of the estate walls  — entirely blocking the line of light for our projection mapping.

“Of course, there had been no mention of the media tent’s placement in the lead up to the event, we just had to make the best of a tricky situation.

“What’s more, the projection tower was moved three times until we found a spot that would allow adequate coverage of the side of the building.

“We eventually had coverage but we had to overcome some very oblique distortion of the content to have it map the building properly.”

Projection Teknik: projectionteknik.com
Barco: barco.com


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