The P.A. People’s 23 Days Of Vivid Sydney
The 2023 episode of the festival has commenced.
The P.A. People are supporting the iconic Vivid Sydney event once again, with an extensive comms package as well as PA systems at various installations around the CBD. From intercoms, networking, CCTV, and sound pressure level monitoring, to two-way radio for production and security staff, The P.A. People has designed and delivered a comprehensive suite of services to support the presentation of Vivid Sydney 2023.
According to the event website, “Vivid Sydney is an annual celebration of creativity, innovation and technology, which transforms Sydney for 23 days and nights. In 2023, for its 13th year, Vivid Sydney will fuse art, innovation and technology in collaboration with some of the most boundary-pushing artists, thinkers, musicians and culinary experts of our time.”
Vivid Light, Vivid Music, Vivid Ideas, Vivid Food: Through various installations, events, and locations, this year’s festival program is expansive. In 2023, its artistic direction is ‘Vivid Sydney, Naturally’.
“Vivid Sydney provides a unique opportunity: to create in one of the world’s most beautiful natural and urban environments; to celebrate the diversity of Sydney and the natural wonder of our planet through creativity, technology, and innovation; and to be part of the awe-inspiring global event that is Vivid Sydney,” said Gill Minervini, Festival Director.
At the 2022 Australian Event Awards and Symposium, Vivid Sydney 2022 won in the Achievement (National) category for Best Public Event 2022. Vivid Sydney is owned, managed, and produced by Destination NSW — the Government’s tourism and major events agency.
Vivid Sydney: vividsydney.com
The P.A. People: papeople.com.au