Ecler VIDA Series is Now Complete
Ecler has kept the best till last in its latest VIDA Series amps.
Ecler has announced that the new Dante/AES67 Digital Amplifier with DSP and player VIDA-48Q is now available, and is a powerful last addition to VIDA Series.
Distribute all the available power asymmetrically across channels using VersaPower. Assigning is easily done from the Embedded Web Application in the 4800W of VIDA-48Q across the four output channels.
Sleep Mode
Aside from the auto stand-by function programmable by channel, when no activity is detected in the amplifier, VIDA features a “Sleep Mode” with one of the lowest energy consumption ratios in this amplifier category.
Events automation
Create custom calendar events and use GPI to control knobs, player options, mute, or loading presets. Customize third-party protocols to suit your space requirements using GPIs or Ethernet.
Embedded Audio Player
Playback from micro SD card. Choose and edit your local music playlist based on calendar (automated) / instant events / user control (real-time).
User control panels
Use a simple editor to create, edit, and manage user control panels on your smart device to control VIDA amplifiers. Assign different control panels with specific functionalities to users based on their needs.
Groups control
Grouped control of networked amplifiers, ready to grow up. That allows users to consider deploying many advanced, distributed and integrated installations under a centralised control.
Advanced DSP Processing
Includes Backup and Priority audio modes, PEQ, GEQ, Limiters, Delays, Mixer/Matrix and Zoner modes and more.
Three models are all available now.
Australis Music Group:
Website: Australis