Issue 33

SpinetiX Powers Coca-Cola ‘Shelftalkers’ for Attention-Grabbing Advertising


8 April 2020

Coca-Cola HBC Russia is a leading company in the field of production and distribution of The Coca-Cola Company beverages and a part of Coca-Cola System. The company produces and offers in Russia a wide range of high-quality soft drinks and juices under the world famous trademarks: Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola Zero, Coca-Cola Cherry, Coca-Cola Vanilla, Sprite, Fanta, Powerade, BonAqua, Smartwater, Schweppes, FUZETEA, energy drinks Burn and Black Monster, juice products under the brands “Dobry”, Rich, “Moya Semya”, Pulpy and Innocent.

It is one of the largest investors in the country. The company employs more than 7,000 people and owns 10 production facilities throughout the country – from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok.


In a feat to differentiate their product line of drinks on supermarket shelves, Coca-Cola HBC Russia employed innovative digital signage technology from SpinetiX to redefine in-store messaging at a major Moscow supermarket called “Perekryostok”. The results are more than promising.

The brand was looking for an easy to use cutting-edge system. In particular, the project had to:

  • Improve NARTD (non-alcoholic ready-to-drink) sales from in-store shelves
  • Employ smart marketing technologies, namely, an easy-to-use consumer attention management system
  • Feature ability to plan, preview, and deliver advertising messages easily
  • Include data-driven content that auto-updates and is operated remotely, eliminating the need for on-site presence 
  • Be a scalable future-proof solution easy to replicate across multiple locations.
  • Make use of reliable fault-free equipment for 24/7 use in public
  • Fit a tight deadline of two weeks to deliver project installation from content setup to completion


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A shelftalker is an industry term for an advertising medium whose task is to attract visitors to goods on store shelves. In most cases, this is a printed cardboard, plastic, or metal sign attached to the shelf.

Recent years have seen the arrival of digital shelftalkers made from LED or LCD screens or, as in the current project, a combination of both. Digital shelftalkers provide a brand the ability to stand out, from the crowd, drive sales, and increase brand awareness.

Digital shelftalkers take up the full length of the shelf and competitor merchandisers will think twice before placing their goods on adjacent shelves lacking the technology. A great way to occupy shelf space!

 “SpinetiX offers a professional solution on the market today that solves the tasks with minimal labor and financial costs. And they have high reliability indicators. This is indeed the solution we proposed for Coca-Cola HBC Russia.” – Dimitry Maysinovich, Head Engineer

“We decided to equip the Coca-Cola supermarket shelves with innovative digital shelftalkers. We needed a convenient and easy- to-use consumer attention management system. What’s more, society is digitizing and we, as one of the industry leaders, must set the trend. Coca-Cola already has similar solutions installed in Europe and now it was time for Russia.”


Coca-Cola HBC Russia selected SpinetiX HMP players for their proven track record of uninterrupted 24/7 operation in public spaces. The players’ robust compact design and practically no maintenance requirements also played an important role for the decision.


Experts from SpinetiX Certified Dealer MediaStroyImidz were tasked for adapting and synchronising the screen content of both the shelftalkers and the video wall on top using Elementi digital signage software from SpinetiX.

Content management is carried out remotely over the Internet. Dynamic screen content is automatically generated based on real-time data capture. This means that the brand can make content changes remotely on the spot and see the result on the screens instantly. It also means that the system is easy to integrate with external sources of data such as the supermarket’s accounting system for displaying the price of products.

The image above represents the eyesight pattern members of each segment of the target audience took while making a purchasing decision. Such patterns help establish the effectiveness of the visual communication flow that the dynamic shelftalkers display.


The newly installed LED shelftalkers were used together with an already existing LCD video wall on top the shelf as a synchronised content display system driven by nine SpinetiX HMP players. The players are neatly tucked away and hidden from view, yet are at the core of the installation.

The video wall on top of the shelf attracts attention from afar. In turn, shelftalkers with dynamic content highlight products once shoppers are on the aisle next to the shelf.

As a result, all the client’s basic content requirements were met:

  • Easy management
  • Secure data-driven content automation
  • Remotely controlled updates
  • Ability to preview content before publishing it on display


  • 9 SpinetiX HMP350 players
  • 1 SpinetiX Elementi M Software license
  • 44 LED digital signboards (shelftalkers) in two length sizes: 30cm and 60 cm
  • 27 LCD displays for the shelf tops

The choice of a technical solution and a contractor for a large customer like Coca-Cola HBC Russia is often made by an advertising agency. In such a context, it is absolutely essential that all stakeholders, including the integrator, are well connected to each other and collaborate in the best interest of the customer. This ensures selecting the optimal technical solution and avoids hidden costs in the long-term.

Coca-Cola HBC chose to work directly with the integrator, SpinetiX Certified Silver Dealer MediaStroyImidz, to optimise project costs and speed up project development. Thanks to this close collaboration and the expertise of the certified SpinetiX integrator, no compromise was made on the strict requirements of the brand.

“Our task was to carry out the development of a solution, supply and install equipment, create content and launch the project in two weeks. We proposed a high-quality solution and implemented it in record time.”Pavel Paraschenko Director of MediaStoryImidz 


Targeted visual messaging increases the potential of a sale made by up to 67%.

Coca-Cola HBC Russia is serious about extracting the benefits of this easy to operate attention management installation. Once installation was put in place, the brand involved experts from The Brain Lab in the field of neuromarketing research to obtain practical confirmation of the effectiveness of the pilot project. Special eye-tracking glasses were used by test subjects, mapping their attention and tracing their interest around the shelves.

No detail was omitted – slogans, images, location on the shelf, brightness and frequency of the message. It was confirmed that structuring visual information increases the level of attention and potential of a sale among different segments of the target audience by 35 to 67%.

The attention heatmap allows experts to assess the attention-grabbing effectiveness of visual messages. A large number of shelf views in the central shelftalker area on the map indicate that the installation performs the main function of attracting and retaining attention where it was needed.


The study showed that the digital shelftalkers are clearly visible and that people remember the main slogans of the bright visually appealing installation.

What’s more, it confirmed the hypothesis that different segments of the target audience react differently to dynamically changing content. Creating customized content based on audience segment is effective as it allows the brand to incite certain kinds of shoppers to make decisions and encourage other desired behaviors at different times.


The beauty of the system is that thanks to the SpinetiX digital signage solution, content can be easily changed and adapted to the needs of the brand at any time and remotely.

The flexibility of the SpinetiX solution is a warrant for the project’s futureproofing and modularity. For example, the solution allows for integrating third-party security equipment, directional sound systems, and scent-marketing machines depending on future brand requirements.

Since the publishing of this case study, Coca-Cola HBC Russia has completed a second installation using the SpinetiX solution in another chain of supermarkets.


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