Biamp Project Designer 1.34 Released
The latest Project Designer software now available.
Biamp has announced the release of Project Designer 1.34. This latest release includes an important firmware update for the Apprimo Touch 8i, improvements to the usability of the software, and nearly 200 new drivers to the Project Designer device driver library.
By using this latest Project Designer release to update the firmware on the Apprimo Touch 8i, users will now be able to configure end-user actions or device feedback to activate the built-in LED indicator strips on the back of the control panels. The update also allows as many as eight Apprimo Touch 8i control panels to be used within the same project.
In this newest version, Project Designer has been made easier to read and use, with improvements to scaling design elements, as well as enhancements to its dark mode theme. This latest release improves networking and the live monitoring of the Touch 8i, and connectivity for the Impera Tango and Apprimo touch panels.
Biamp: biamp.com
Australian Distributor: jands.com.au