In-store advertising has gained a new weapon in the battle for consumers with MirrorBox, a projection mapped point-of-sale unit that projects high resolution images onto three dimensional objects such as products and displays to boost their in-store impact, and is fully visible in daylight. Clever use of mirrors means that a complete projection can be mapped onto products with just one projector, while a high definition display behind the product creates mesmerizing patterns when combined with the mirrored effect in the box.
It’s the first product from DisplayMapper, a division of London-based projection specialist Projection Artworks better known for its large-scale event projections. This miniature version of its technology has been developed over the last 12 months and has been made possible through improvements in brightness and resolution of small scale projection, reduced cost of hardware and the rise in studios creating video-mapped content.
“Mirror Box is the first of a whole new generation of POS displays driven by a relatively low-cost 3D projection system that can centrally control and distribute valuable content to hundreds of MirrorBox displays situated across the globe,” says DisplayMapper and Projection Artworks managing director Tom Burch.
“There’s nothing you would normally associate with a projector install – no keyboard, no monitors, no cable runs. It’s all self-contained, controlled by an app and very easy to use.”
MirrorBox uses DisplayMapper’s custom cloud-based software, controlled and updated from a central network, allowing clients to develop and automatically deliver their own content to hundreds of MirrorBoxes. The in-store equipment is low-cost, industry standard and easy to use and maintain. A small form factor PC runs a pixel-perfect, fully capable 3D mapping system (commonly associated with D3, or data driven documents) and high-end media servers costing up to 50 times more – and the system is completely self-contained.
MirrorBox can be hired for individual campaigns or purchased, and custom units can be created by third parties and fitted with DisplayMapper’s technology and content distribution system. DisplayMapper’s services include design, technology consultancy, and integration with third-party manufacturers
Watch MirrorBox in action: video
DisplayMapper: www.displaymapper.com