The GaffGun only does one thing: it tapes down cables. But it does it really well.
Most gaffs spend what feels like an eternity setting up, and that’s largely because of the time it takes to tape all those cables down. But it has to be done, for OHS and to preserve all those expensive lights. The GaffGun does it all in far less time, gathering up all of your cables and taping them down in whatever formation you desire. What it doesn’t do is roll them all up and put them away – but we can’t expect everything!

The GaffGun comes in two kits: a US$199 kit (GaffGun, long extension handle and CableGuide – small) or the US$249 kit (GaffGun, long extension handle, CableGuide – small, medium & large, FloorGuide). It’s only available for pre-order from the US for shipping in December at the moment, but the company is planning to make it available elsewhere soon.
GaffGun: www.gaffgun.com
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