Issue 28



29 March 2018

Ba Sao Investment recently installed a state-of-the-art audio system by Harman Professional Solutions at VOH Music One Theatre.

The Voice Of Ho Chi Minh City’s People (VOH) is the official radio station of Ho Chi Minh City. For over 40 years, the radio station has hosted program broadcasts and live performances from its VOH Music One Theater. In addition to station-organised concerts and tapings, VOH Music One Theater hosts receptions, state delegations, business meetings, private events and more. In order to keep up with the increasing demands of modern live productions and strict broadcast standards, VOH hired Ba Sao Investment to upgrade its ageing sound system with a complete Harman audio solution.

“We wanted to upgrade from the previous system to better meet the latest production standards for audio, lighting and video,” said Mr. Le Cong Dong, Director, Voice of Ho Chi Minh City’s People. “The new Harman system that Ba Sao Investment installed ensures the station’s rich legacy remains relevant now and into the future.”

The Harman system installed in VOH Music One Theater includes a main hang of three JBL VRX932LAP powered line array speakers per side, joined by one VRX918SP subwoofer per side. Two JBL PRX710 two-way speakers serve as centre down fills, while two additional PRX710 front fills are grouped on the floor with two PRX718XLF subwoofers. Two JBL PRX715 speakers are installed as under-balcony fills, while JBL PRX715 and PRX712 powered speakers provide clear on-stage monitoring. To ensure optimum system performance and top-notch audio mixes for both on-the-air and live audiences, Ba Sao Investment selected the Soundcraft Vi3000 digital live sound console. A Soundcraft Compact Stagebox supplies the Vi3000 console with 64 audio inputs from the theatre’s stage. Together, the Harman system delivers the power and precision needed to achieve perfect coverage in the 350-seat theatre.

“One of the major challenges we faced was installing the new system without altering the existing structure,” said Nguyen Khac Anh, CEO, Ba Sao Investment. “The grandstand was built before 1975, and the previous speaker placements weren’t ideal. The Harman system we installed is seamlessly integrated into the existing facility, and delivers improved sound distribution and quality throughout the 350-seat theatre.”

“We are extremely pleased with the upgrade to our system,” said Mr. Nguyen Duc Thinh, Manager/Composer, VOH Music One Theatre. “I’ve visited various theatres associated with different television and radio stations in Vietnam, and I don’t think any of them can compete with the experience provided by the Harman system in our theatre.”

“It’s a privilege to be associated with the Voice of Ho Chi Minh City’s People radio station,” said Ramesh Jayaraman, VP & GM, Harman Professional Solutions, APAC. “We’re thrilled to see our solutions being used in the historic VOH Music One Theatre. We’re happy that our products have helped preserve the historic nature of the venue, while improving the audio quality for audiences during broadcasts and live recordings. Thanks to Ba Sao Investment’s expertise and attention to detail, audiences will continue to enjoy performances whether they choose attend the theatre or tune in over the airwaves.”

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