Issue 32

Magewell Cloud Management Software

Free Magewell Cloud software for configuration and control of multiple hardware devices plus SRT gateway and streaming protocol conversion


11 August 2021

Video interface and IP workflow innovator Magewell announces its new Magewell Cloud multi-device management software. Available free of charge for installation on an on-premises server or cloud hosting platform, the Magewell Cloud software provides centralised configuration and control of multiple Magewell IP encoders and decoders plus powerful stream management features including protocol conversion and SRT gateway functionality.

“While Magewell streaming and IP conversion solutions all have their own intuitive user interfaces, customers with multiple Magewell devices or systems integrators supporting Magewell solutions across several end-user installations may wish to manage them all remotely from a single dashboard,” said James Liu, VP of Engineering at Magewell. “The Magewell Cloud software makes it easy for integrators, administrators, and IT staff to configure and manage multiple Magewell IP devices across any number of sites through an intuitive, browser-based interface while also providing workflow-simplifying stream management functions.”

One management platform, many devices

Magewell Cloud supports remote management of all of the company’s current hardware solutions for streaming and IP conversion. These include the Ultra Stream family of live streaming and recording appliances; the recently-introduced Ultra Encode series of universal live media encoders; and the Pro Convert portfolio of encoders and decoders for bridging traditional video and audio signals with IP media networks using NDI technology and other popular protocols.

Once the Magewell hardware devices have been registered to a Magewell Cloud installation, users can remotely configure device parameters, monitor the status of each device, trigger operational functions – such as starting or stopping encoding – and perform batch firmware upgrades across multiple units of the same model. Administrators can also group devices together and assign permissions for different devices or groups.

Simplifying SRT streaming

Magewell Cloud simplifies one-to-many or many-to-many streaming with the Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) protocol by serving as an SRT gateway. SRT-capable Magewell devices – including Ultra Encode universal live media encoders and Pro Convert multi-format IP decoders – and third-party SRT products can connect to Magewell Cloud rather than directly to each other. This eliminates the need to allocate public, static IP addresses for each SRT device, as only the Magewell Cloud software installation needs to be accessible over the internet to enable SRT streaming between multiple endpoints.

While the SRT protocol enables secure, reliable, low-latency transmission even over unpredictable networks such as the public internet, many legacy encoders and decoders do not directly support SRT. The Magewell Cloud platform can convert streams bi-directionally between RTMP and SRT, allowing users to take advantage of the robustness of SRT within their workflows while providing compatibility with a broader range of devices and software.

Flexible deployment

Magewell Cloud is delivered as a Docker container, enabling deployment on Windows, Linux, and MacOS computing platforms with minimal configuration requirements. Customers can run Magewell Cloud on their own private server or public cloud infrastructure such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure, and can view the host platform’s CPU, memory, and network usage through Magewell Cloud’s browser-based GUI.

The Magewell Cloud software is now in beta testing, with general availability expected later in Q3. Users interested in beta testing a pre-release version of the software are invited to submit a request through the Magewell website.

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