Issue 32

Martin Audio Signs Up for InfoComm Virtual Show


2 June 2020

Martin Audio is embracing the new digital-first world during these challenging times by following up on its own virtual trade show with now participating in the InfoComm Connected 2020 Virtual Experience taking place in June.

Following the success of Martin Audio’s own virtual trade show, which took place on Wednesday May 20th and attracted over 500 registrants, Martin Audio decided to take part in InfoComm’s own event taking place June 16th-18th, a replacement for the original physical show.

With much of 2020’s global tradeshow calendar all but wiped out, there are very few chances in the near future to get together and highlight the new and noteworthy additions to the international pro audio industry’s arsenal. For the near future, Martin Audio believes virtual events and virtual networking offers a good opportunity to keep the conversations going.

“We were impressed with the digital platform that InfoComm is using to help network and provide virtual meeting spaces to talk to new and existing clients,” commented James King, Marketing Director at Martin Audio. “It’s a very easy to use and powerful platform and really opens the doors to perhaps having conversations with people that we would not normally be able to. We feel it’s worth experimenting in this brave new world and so we jumped on board.”

As part of InfoComm Connected, virtual meetings can be requested and scheduled with representatives from across the Martin Audio US sales team as well as representatives from other regions. These meeting take place via video call within the platform provided by InfoComm.

“Nothing ventured, nothing gained is our mind-set right now, and we are really approaching the hurdles we all face with a proactive attitude,” says King. “We’ve been fortunate that we have been able to continue to ship goods to parts of the world in the last two months. Now we are seeing more countries slowly rebuilding their economy, leading to pro audio projects starting to be discussed again and so InfoComm Connected will help in that process.”

For more information and to register for InfoComm Connected, visit:

To catch up with Martin Audio’s Virtual Tradeshow, visit:

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