Convergent Design has announced the Athena 4K/Multi-Stream Player/Recorder Encoder/Decoder, a field-use or rack-mount complete solution. Athena is a standalone, tapeless player/recorder deck capable of 4K/UHD 60p, 2K/HD 60p, and Multi-Stream (even in 4K). Convergent Design is claiming an “industry-first” with the ability to record/play four HD video streams along with 64 channels of MADI audio. It can be used as a production facility tape deck replacement, a driver for multi-screen video walls, the heart of an interactive multi-panel display for education, entertainment or point-of-sale, a concert or live event multi-camera recorder, or a system to stream footage live. Athena’s functions are hardware-based for high efficiency and reliability – however Convergent Design point out that Athena is not a “PC in a box” type of product. The design fits in a 1U, half-rack space, has a front panel featuring an LCD display for status info and monitoring, an SSD slot (up to 2GB current spec) and deck controls. It can operate 24/7 continuously with a low power draw. An auto-start/auto-recovery mode means Athena can start up in seconds and begin or resume operations should power be interrupted.
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