XMOS Reference Design
XMOS announced a new reference design for its xCORE multicore microcontroller products that brings Ethernet AVB (Audio Visual Bridging) technology to audio transport and time sensitive networking applications in which latency and timing are critical. Adding to the existing xSOFTip software library for xCORE, the new Ethernet AVB Daisy-Chain (AVB-DC) reference design allows manufacturers of network-enabled audio and media products to create solutions that can be interconnected without the need for a central Ethernet AVB switch. The xCORE multicore microcontroller is able to integrate two separate Ethernet AVB interfaces plus an AVB switch fabric using its highly responsive, multiple 32bit processor cores, allowing the entire reference design to be implemented in a single device. The new xSOFTip reference design product is based on XMOS’s Ethernet AVB technology. To support the new product, XMOS also released a new Ethernet AVB Daisy-Chain hardware kit, based on its sliceKIT modular development system. The sliceKIT gives engineers the ability to rapidly develop, prototype and test designs based on the xCORE range of multicore microcontrollers.