PEGS Squares Up with Infocus J Touch
Penleigh & Essendon Grammar School (PEGS) upgrades 36 classrooms with 75-inch J Touch interactive touch displays.
Back in ‘the day’, teachers were renowned for hurling all manner of stuff at the trusty blackboard to get the attention of any kids nodding off with dreams of becoming a proper rocket science — the Flash Gordon interplanetary kind, none of that Elon Musk low orbit rubbish. Today, it’s the teachers <and> the students throwing myriad digital files and formats at an electronic display at the front of the room, and it has to work every time.
Some things in the classroom haven’t changed and the medium for displaying information to the students— be it a circa 19th century blackboard or a 21st century touch panel — is still the focal point of the room. Reliability, clarity, and ease of operation are paramount.
When Penleigh & Essendon Grammar School (aka PEGS) looked to upgrade its ageing, 10-year-old classroom interactive whiteboard systems, the task was given to James Sismanes and his crew at Vision One. Vision One already had a close relationship with the IT folks at PEGS, and the continuation of that partnership made good sense to everyone. Thirty-six screens in all would be required and the installation, not surprisingly, needed to coincide with the windows of opportunity provided by school holidays — not as easy as it might sound for such a large project in a pandemic.
Vision One proposed a product that James and his team had successfully installed many times before: the InFocus J Touch Interactive Touch Display. The 75-inch model was best suited to the classroom configurations at PEGS, with each screen including a soundbar discretely tucked underneath to provide audio. The open Android platform of the J Touch had been proven over and again to accept all manner of data via its numerous connection options, including from the Apple MacBook laptops the school employs. In fact, dependable Mac compatibility was a real deal-maker and any compromise in that regard wasn’t possible.
The school wanted wireless connection as a priority and as such almost all the previous wiring was decommissioned and removed except for some USB cabling under the floor of the science rooms leading to panels on the benches. This allowed for pairing with the USB panels and direct interaction with the J Touch, rather than just wirelessly sending presentations via the Apple TVs.
The equipment changeover went well, and the J Touch slotted perfectly into place.
J Touch was introduced quickly and seamlessly, and the teaching staff was soon up to speed
Melbourne in 2021 wasn’t conducive to reliably hitting deadlines, thanks to one frustrating lockdown after another. Vision One constantly liaised with PEGS to reschedule installation days when classrooms were empty. Ultimately, a majority of the work was done in the September holidays. There were some concerns about integrating new technology so close to finals exams, but the J Touch was introduced quickly and seamlessly, and the teaching staff was soon up to speed.
Full marks go to Vision One and Infocus supplier Westan for keeping the logistical wheels on: “Westan treats us like we treat <our> customers, and that’s very important to us,” noted Vision One’s James Sismanes.
With the full complement of 36 x J Touch screens installed, capable of dealing with whatever the next 10 years demands, the students at Penleigh & Essendon Grammar will definitely be looking towards a bright future. Although, to be clear, in case any parents are reading this, they shouldn’t <actually> be throwing stuff around the classroom.
Vision One: 1800 240 777 or www.visionone.com.au
Westan (Infocus): 1300 963 963 or westan.com.au