Cast Software has announced the release of Vivien2014 with significantly improved graphics, extra features and performance enhancements, plus some Library additions. Vivien 2014 makes it easier to customise layouts, demonstrate options, and tweak looks even during presentations and negotiations. New File Importing Features add onscreen features to automate and enhance management. The Import Wizard imports JPEG or PDF format floor plans directly into Vivien and includes onscreen functions such as rotation, selecting insertion points, and it will scale the floor plan. New features for file importing facilitate management of AutoCAD2013, and handle Google SketchUp, PDFs and JPEGs. Vivien 2014 adds Chevron Seating Style, new ways to deal with Aisles, preserving Guest Data after Seating Area modifications, and a new Property tab for Seating Area Object to its list of frequently-used options in its Seating Wizard. The Truss Wizard makes it easy to add vertical or semi-circular truss structures and attach light fixtures.