D=SIGN Virtual Conference
AVIXA and the Digital Signage Federation will host from Dec. 8-9, with expert-led sessions on the big ideas behind signage and DOOH
AVIXA and the Digital Signage Federation will host D=SIGN: The Digital Signage Conference on Dec. 8-9. This free, virtual conference will feature expert-led discussions on the solutions, innovations, and big ideas around digital signage and digital out-of-home (DOOH). Below you’ll find details on the agenda, and for additional information, visit www.avixa.org/dsign. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Tues., Dec. 8: “How To” & Hardware Day
D=SIGNing for the Present and Future: Revisiting and Recharging Your Potential
Laura Davis-Taylor, Chief Strategy Officer, InReality, LLC
From Hardware to the Cloud — The Many Advantages of Cloud-Connected Digital Signage Networks
Jeff Hastings, CEO of BrightSign
Digital Signage 201
Wayne Rasor, Director of Digital & Exterior Technology, FASTSIGNS International
New Tech Lightning Round: Displays 1
Anthony Cianfarano, Product Manager Professional Displays, Sony Electronics Professional Solutions America
Remi Del Mar, Senior Product Manager, Visual Displays, Projectors and Augmented Reality, Epson America
Steve Gallant, Digital Sales Manager at Clear Touch Interactive
Wayfinding: The Ultimate Digital Signage App in 6 Actionable Steps
Sean Matthews, President/CEO of Visix
New Tech Lightning Round: Displays 2
Jim Vasgaard, National Sales Manager, AV Partner Development, Daktronics
Day 1 Wrap-Up Panel
Kelly Smith, Senior Manager, Digital Network, Cadillac Fairvew
Tony Green, Vice President of Business Development, Snap Install
Michael Katz, Chief Relationship Officer at Zignage
Wed., Dec. 9: CMS, Creative and Big Idea Day
D=SIGNing Effective Customer Experiences Across the Digital Ecosystem
Beth Warren, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Strategy, Creative Realities
Finding the Right Media Player
Ken Goldberg, CEO, Real Digital Media
Rich Ventura, Vice President of B2B, Sony Electronics Professional Solutions America
Digital Signage CMS 201
Ryan Cahoy, Chief Revenue Officer, InReality
New Tech Lightning Round: Media Players
Zach Woullard, Sales Representative, Squirrels
Miles Schofield, Technical Solutions Engineer, AOPEN
How to Calculate an ROI for Digital Signage
Stephanie Gutnik, Consultant, Digital Transformation, OUTFRONT Media
Chris Freeman, At-Large Director, Digital Signage Federation
Paul Fleuranges, Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Digital Signage Federation
Future-Proofing A Digital Signage System
Sandi Stambaugh, Vice President, Product Management, SYNNEX
New Tech Lightning Round: Software
Jeffrey Weitzman, Managing Director, Navori
George Preston, North America Sales Director, SpinetiX
D=SIGN will take place Dec. 8-9 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST, and the content will be available on demand until Jan. 29, 2021. Registration is currently open at www.avixa.org/dsign
Avixa: avixa.org