Allen & Heath has released a major firmware upgrade for its Qu series of compact digital mixers, paired with key enhancements to the Qu-Pad and Qu-You apps.

V1.7 ArcLight firmware now allows up to two iPads running Qu-Pad to be connected to a Qu mixer at the same time. New features in Qu-Pad include saving and recall of processing and FX libraries, a third custom layer for easy access to any combination of inputs, mixes, DCAs, Mute Groups or SoftKeys, full control over key FX parameters, the ability to store and recall scenes, plus access to the mixer SoftKeys. Master PEQ, GEQ and compressor settings have been added to the Qu-You personal monitoring app, allowing performers further control over their own mixes.

V1.7 ArcLight also makes a channel Ducker available on all channels, inputs and stereo groups, adding to Qu’s appeal in conferencing, education and AV rental applications. Qu users with AudioRacks connected over dSnake can now source their input channels from any remote socket, allowing remapping of inputs and digital split to multiple channels.
The firmware release introduces support for the latest addition to the Qu family, the ultra-compact Qu-Pac faderless mixer. A new, fully customisable Qu-Control screen can be set up in Qu-Pac with ‘widgets’ for channel levels, mutes and assignment switches, arranged to suit the application and the experience of the user.
“V1.7 really deepens the way the iPad integrates with the Qu ecosystem,” says senior product manager Nicola Beretta. “Pretty much anything that you can control with the mixer can now be controlled from an iPad, and the SoftKeys and extra custom layer help you to build an interface that works perfectly for you and the work you’re doing. We’ve also taken the opportunity to add a few features like the Ducker and flexible dSnake input patching which were at the top of our users’ hit lists.”
Source: Allen & Heath media release
The V1.7 firmware is available as a free download here
Allen & Heath: www.allen-heath.com
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