Jands, as of the 1st of June, will take over the distribution of hearing loop specialists Ampetronic for Australia. The announcement comes at a time when Ampetronic is introducing some significant new gear. Julian Pieters Managing Director of Ampetronic: “We are on the brink of introducing a suite of new tools, support services and products that will change the way the industry works with hearing loops. This is a great time to take our brand to the next level, and an excellent partnership to make it happen.”
“Ampetronic is a perfect fit for Jands,” said Paul Mulholland, Jands Managing Director. “Ampetronic’s product, engineering, and educational resources, coupled with Jands strong commitment to the local market with inventory, training and product support will ensure Ampetronic expand on their already dominant market position.”
Hearing loops are one of the few AV products that have the law on their side — new builds are required to install them, which is a nice way to break the audiovisual ice with a new client. Certainly Jeff Bolt, Jands National Sales Manager, thinks so: “our sales force receive requests for this technology from our customers on a daily basis and are excited to now represent the world’s leading manufacturer.”
Jeff MacKenzie head of Jands Technical Resource Team also likes the cut of the Ampetronic jib: “Ampetronic focus on systems, not box sales. Every system is backed by solid pre-sales engineering. They also share our belief that the key to successful systems is education and as such invest heavily in the provision of training for users, designers and installers of their products.”
Ampetronic was previously with Hills SVL which divested itself of competing brand Univox when it subsumed Audio Products Group, leaving it with an hearing assist hole in its roster.
Jands: (02) 9582 0909 or www.jands.com.au