MCG Install Special: Q-SYS to the Core
16 April 2020
One hero of the messaging and wayfinding PA systems in the MCG’s concourses and public areas, is Q-SYS. Few will be surprised to hear that Q-SYS was given the job of routing digital audio to and fro around the stadium but it also distinguished itself in many of its control roles. In this case, the matrix of matching the right recorded message to the right zone on the correct game day was deceptively complex but Rutledge AV provided the MCC with a deceptively easy Q-SYS-based control interface to ensure smooth sailing. The entry/exit systems also allow messages to be recorded and played on the fly, if necessary, along with the ability for MCC spruikers to wander with a Shure wireless mic and take over the messaging. “Rutledge did a great job building that control interface,” notes Scott Willsallen. “It’s super easy to use and all done in Q-SYS.”